The film is based on the life and times of Dawood Ibrahim's sister Haseena Parkar. Haseena Parkar is directed by Apoorva Lakhia and will be hitting the screens on September 22, 2017. They were all smiles posing for the shutterbugs. Whereas Ankur wore a white shirt, blue jeans and black blazer. Siddhanth was seen in a denim shirt and striped pants with white sneakers. Shraddha Kapoor was photographed at the trailer launch of her upcoming film Haseena Parkar along with her brother Siddhanth Kapoor, Ankur Bhatia and filmmaker Apoorva Lakhia. She rounded her look by wearing shoulder dusters and wavy hairdo. Shraddha looked beautiful in a black pantsuit with collared V-neckline.
#Haseena parkar original photo plus#
The trio visited the sets of the dance reality show Dance Plus 3. It is slated to release on October 6, 2017.Īlso spotted in the city was Shraddha Kapoor along with her Haseena Parkar co-stars Siddhanth Kapoor and Ankur Bhatia. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Abundantia Entertainment and led by Vikram Malhotra. The film also stars debutante Padma Priya and young Svar Kamble. Talking about the film, Chef is an official adaptation of Hollywood film of the same name which starred and directed by Jon Favreau. Both were chatting all the way while exiting from the studio.
Whereas Raja wore a white shirt and grey shorts. He wore a white kurta-pyjamas with Kolhapuri chappal and sunglasses.
Saif looked handsome in a traditional attire.
#Haseena parkar original photo movie#
Today, the actor-director duo was snapped outside a studio in the city. Haseena Parkar (2017) Movie Fan Photos - Check out Shraddha Kapoor's Haseena Parkar (2017) movie pictures, images, Haseena Parkar (2017) stills, movie posters. Saif Ali Khan is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film Chef being directed by Raja Krishna Menon of Airlift fame.